Most of my previous website work comes from outside the content creator world, but I’ve put together a portfolio that showcases a few content-centered websites.

Lauren Biel Website

Lauren was left in a bind when the person she’d originally hired to do her website left it unfinished and she couldn’t get the site together, herself. I revamped all pages of the site, playing up her light meets dark theme and restructuring her book pages entirely so she could easily update her rapidly growing backlist without having a 50-mile-long page down the road.

Tammy Yoga Website

Tammy is a professional yoga instructor who teaches in-person and virtual classes. She wanted a website to serve as a place to find general information about her and her classes, to link to her social channels, and as a place to check and see what classes she has coming up.

Inside MCC Website

The governing body of Metropolitan Community Churches mostly avoided their official website for years because of how chaotic it was. An international church organization, they had over a decade of content spread over several websites with no real procedures for what went where. I updated the design, but more importantly, performed a content audit on all of their websites and then created information architecture for one main site that would allow people to find the content they were looking for more easily.

Sarah Shaw Books Website

Historical fiction writer Sarah Shaw wanted a simple one-page website to start building her newsletter and showcase her upcoming novel. I integrated some of her promotional graphics into the website and combined them with colors, fonts, and textures to create a unique but genre-appropriate website.